400 Kč
LP The Cortinas – Defiant Pose – Singles & Demos 1977/1978
label: Radiation Reissues – RRS150
format: LP, compilation
released: 2021
Bristol punk quintet the Cortinas began as an R&B covers band, but soon sped up their repertoire when punk arrived, making them local pioneers. A slot supporting the Stranglers at the Roxy brought them onto Miles Copeland and Mark Perry’s Step Forward label and they later signed to CBS before imploding, guitarist Nick Sheppard then joining the Clash and drummer Daniel Swann San Francisco’s the Sneeches. This ace compilation gathers the best of their early work, including the immortal debut ‘Fascist Dictator’/‘Defiant Pose,’ as well as ‘TV Personalities,’ both in the studio and live. Another crucial piece of the Bristol puzzle.
Includes double sided insert.
Bristolský punkový kvintet the Cortinas začínal jako skupina coververzí R&B, ale brzy po příchodu punku zrychlili svůj repertoár a stali se místními průkopníky. Set před Stranglers v Roxy je přivedl na label Milese Copelanda a Marka Perryho Step Forward a později podepsali smlouvu s CBS, po rozpadu skupiny se kytarista Nick Sheppard připojil k Clash a bubeník Daniel Swann k San Francisco’s the Sneeches. Tato top kompilace shromažďuje to nejlepší z jejich rané tvorby, včetně nesmrtelného debutu ‚Fascist Dictator‘/‘Defiant Pose‘ a ‚TV Personalities‘ ve studiu i naživo. Další zásadní kousek skládačky Bristolu. Obsahuje oboustranný insert.
Defiant Pose
Fascist Dictator
TV Families
Tribe of The City
I Don’t Really Want To Get Involved
Youth Club Dance
Mr. Waverley
Have It With You
Broken Not Twisted
Slow Down
I Trust Valerie Singleton
Further Education
Television Families
Fascist Dictator
Hmotnost | 300 g |
560 Kč
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